Welcome to Porvoo/Borgå, my hometown. It's a small town a little to the east from Helsinki and it got official town's rights in 1346. This makes it the second oldest town in Finland. However, people have lived at this location for much longer than that.
Porvoo (Borgå in Swedish) has an old town that can't be compared to many things. It burned the last time inthe 18th century, which makes the tree houses among the oldest in Finland. The last time it burned the people had to hurry with rebuilding it, because the Swedish king was going to visit. The result is wonky houses, and since the king loved colours the houses were painted in different bright and pastel colours.

The church in Porvoo is also quite the attraction. Despite being built 1200-1400 it is also the location of the Diet of Porvoo in 1809, when Finland became a part of Russia (the Grand Duchy of Finland), leaving the long history as Sweden behind.
Me and Christel left some marks behind at the drawing table for children at the back of the church.

And last but not least, me and Christel outside of the Church gates.