söndag 1 november 2009

October came and went

I have lots of photos I could show from this month, but uploading them all in one entry would be
just too much, so I'll show you the highlights of the month , explaining a little along the way.

A few outfit snapshots from the first half I'm fond of:



As you can see, somewhere in between my hair went from red to brown. I suddenly felt tired of
the red again and pictures of Mori Girls inspired me and my dream-hair suddenly became dark
brown, long, thick and flowing. I still want to dye it a shade darker or so, but this is fine for now
as my hair isn't as long as I would wish it to be yet either. But it grows surprisingly quickly!
This is my hair in October last year:

And now: Of course, it's pulled up in a messy ponytail in these pictures, but I still think you can
see what a huge difference it is. It reaches way over my shoulders now, but I'm still working on
getting it longer!

The 17th and 18th was Tsukicon here in Helsinki. It turned out to be quite the fail for such a
price. I personally wasn't a victim of how badly organized it was since I wasn't participating in
any show or anything but also the whole setup of the place was not very good and there wasn't
really anything to do other than walk around.

The Finnish lolita-forum Enfant Terrible had organized a fashion show with the theme "Lolita to
the Extreme" and the show in itself was fabulous, but it could have been so much better with
proper lights and stage-setup which all wasn't possible because of the location of the stage.
Otherwise i've also heard stories of their dressing-room and J-rockers passing through.

It's sad that all cons here lately have been so badly organized. Animecon is always like that,
there's nothing to do about it. 10 000 people and no entrance fee is a combination bound to fail,
so people put their hopes in the smaller "private" cons, but then Tsukicon goes and fails like this.
WHat will our summer cons then look like with the flood of immigrants from the big emptyness the lack of Animecon leaves behind? I fear a catastrophe.

But, not thanks to the con, but thanks to my friends, I still had a great weekend and made lots of
wonderful memories.

Going out on Saturday evening with Sofia and Jyri

On the way to Tsukicon on Sunday morning

And my outfit from the day:
Blouse and socks: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt: Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline

And then a couple of Outfits from the rest of October:

We went to the Helsinki bookfair with school. I experimented a little here, combining mint and
lavender. It turned out to be Mint x Lavender x Pink though because of the pink in the L'Oiseau
Bleu print. JSK and Cardigan is Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. socks are Angelic Pretty and the
shoes Secret Shop.

Breast cancer awareness "Dress in Pink-day"
T-shirt is LEGO, Cardigan is the modified H&M one, I've posted about before, Skirt is Alice and
the Pirates, socks Angelic Pretty and the shoes Secret Shop.

Now with all this behind we stepped into November today. I almost can't believe I've already
lived in Helsinki for two whole months. I should make a post with pictures of my apartment
some day. Just ahve to wait till i get the camera again. Sharing one with your sister living an
hour away isn't alway the easiest thing. Lucky my dad hinted I'd be getting one for

söndag 27 september 2009

Creme de la Garderobe

The Finnish lolita forum Enfant Terrible hosted a second hand event at Café Villipuutarha here
in Helsinki on the 27th of September. The day was full of nice people and nice clothes, pink hot
chocolate, shopping, beautiful decorations, wonderful feelings in the air and lighter wallets.
After the market there was a small 18+ party with live music and golden drinks. It was a
wonderful day and a wonderful evening. My heart is happy but my wallet isn't. Well that's too
bad for the wallet, because I don't care.

Rittis eating cake

Jenni and Elfie on the sofa.

Nera enjoying some Hesburger food.

Pigru doing quite the same.

A cute Myrre.

Her rings are wonderfully cute!

And I am wearing:
Blouse by Anna House,
Dress and socks by Metamorhose,
Shoes by SthlmDG

Moomin bloomers!

A very sweet Tiiau.

There was a raffle!

This is what I bought from there;
A pink Angelic Pretty blouse,
Dusty pink Innocent World skirt,
Brown velvet Innocent World dress
and a lavender x pink macaron ring!

Thank you girls for this wonderful evening!

tisdag 15 september 2009

Rococo and Marie Antoinette

I watched the Marie Antoinette Movie By Sofia Coppola with some friends the other day and got hit hard by the asthetics of it. As a lolita, the movie is filled with everything I love. Rococo, frills, beauty, cakes and pastries, pastel colours, lace, huge skirts, decorations...
Now all I want to is bake macarons make myself a floor lenght dress.

I also found the movie interesting from a historic point of view, as I'm studying history. No matter how great the movie was with all it's beauty it did leave out most of the harsher parts of the story, and therefore half of the truth. Thus it only gives new strenght to our dreams of such a life.

Here's something to give you the right feeling:
None of these pictures are mine, they are collected from different parts of the internet jungle.