söndag 27 september 2009

Creme de la Garderobe

The Finnish lolita forum Enfant Terrible hosted a second hand event at Café Villipuutarha here
in Helsinki on the 27th of September. The day was full of nice people and nice clothes, pink hot
chocolate, shopping, beautiful decorations, wonderful feelings in the air and lighter wallets.
After the market there was a small 18+ party with live music and golden drinks. It was a
wonderful day and a wonderful evening. My heart is happy but my wallet isn't. Well that's too
bad for the wallet, because I don't care.

Rittis eating cake

Jenni and Elfie on the sofa.

Nera enjoying some Hesburger food.

Pigru doing quite the same.

A cute Myrre.

Her rings are wonderfully cute!

And I am wearing:
Blouse by Anna House,
Dress and socks by Metamorhose,
Shoes by SthlmDG

Moomin bloomers!

A very sweet Tiiau.

There was a raffle!

This is what I bought from there;
A pink Angelic Pretty blouse,
Dusty pink Innocent World skirt,
Brown velvet Innocent World dress
and a lavender x pink macaron ring!

Thank you girls for this wonderful evening!

tisdag 15 september 2009

Rococo and Marie Antoinette

I watched the Marie Antoinette Movie By Sofia Coppola with some friends the other day and got hit hard by the asthetics of it. As a lolita, the movie is filled with everything I love. Rococo, frills, beauty, cakes and pastries, pastel colours, lace, huge skirts, decorations...
Now all I want to is bake macarons make myself a floor lenght dress.

I also found the movie interesting from a historic point of view, as I'm studying history. No matter how great the movie was with all it's beauty it did leave out most of the harsher parts of the story, and therefore half of the truth. Thus it only gives new strenght to our dreams of such a life.

Here's something to give you the right feeling:
None of these pictures are mine, they are collected from different parts of the internet jungle.

fredag 11 september 2009

Pimp my Car(digan)

I was in need of a cardigan to match my lolita outfits and I had this boring old light pink one from H&M. Over time it had stretched and looked like a bag on me, but I decided to do soemthing about all that.

Fixed the bagginess with my serger, so it would be more bodyclinging but I kept the wide hem so a poofy skirt could better fit beneath it.
And the real pimping was adding lace. Yesterday my part of the grouporder from Cheaptrims arrived so i made use of my new laces immidiately. The lace is Ivory venice lace.

What do you think of the result? : )